Thursday, November 02, 2006

Reassigned Time: Mentoring

Reassigned Time: Mentoring: "I've been thinking a lot about mentoring lately, in no small part because so many people have been posting about it lately. (I'm sure there are links I'm missing, too, but those are the ones that immediately jump to mind. Edited to add: Here's another link that I think participates in this conversation that seems to be cropping up all around.) Oh, and I also read something about mentoring on the CHE forums in the context of junior faculty needing mentors."

Off on a new tangent..."mentoring".

worthwhile one. ought to add all the links from this Dr Crazy, and others. Good advice for the down road, career planning, getting ready to hit job market. Course I'm a ways off from there, but better to start worrying...I mean

And this blog changed addresses, was supposed to be a link up there about mentoring, but it got lost in the move apparently. But ProfGrrrrl is worth following none the less. Like her style, wit, frequency of posts, brevity at times.

The last embedded link from the blog on mentoring, seems to refer to a story from a grad student who 'got stuck' with their advisor. Glad that's not me, glad to have Advocate. But am worried b/c I heard that at least one of the Newbies we just got (and there are TOO many of 'em given small size of college, not enough faculty, note enough resources, not enough structure...need I go on?!) has been given Advocate as advisor to start with. Major mismatch. MAJOR. Nothing in common. Why did the College do that to either of them? And now this Newbie doesn't think terribly much of Advocate, and I hate that gossip or bad mouthing is going on about Advocate, when it's not her fault she was assigned someone whose background, interests, research topics, and everything else are a total mismatch.


Yes, yes...being overly defensisve and protective here no doubt. But considering the luck I've had with advisors, even my great ones, and the overall issues within dept. at Metro U...I do NOT need any more hassles, hurdles or the like. And I see any hassles of Advocate as becoming potential hassles of me. Grrrrrr....

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