Saturday, November 11, 2006

CogSci Librarian

CogSci Librarian: "Heard another *terrific* TED Talks podcast (and no, I have NO affiliation with Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED) at all -- I should be so lucky!) about the value of choice in our lives. From the TED Blog: 'Barry Schwartz is a sociology professor at Swarthmore College and author of The Paradox of Choice. In this talk, he persuasively explains how and why the abundance of choice in modern society is actually making us miserable.' "

I'm pretty sure I was already aware of the book, and have read other exceprts. But this is a nice reminder, a tie-in with current coursework, and a way to link to this blog so I can find it later.
Hmmm...thoughts on memory...more relation to coursework. I have a harder and harder time remembering things these days...or, more precisely, I have issues with "recall" and not so much with "recognition".
But in true grad student, supreme nerd fashion, I turned my fitful memory, and my forgetfullness about things like, oh say, my ASSIGNMENT, into a creative, well receive essay. TA-DA!! Ha!

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