Monday, November 13, 2006

ABC News: Berners-Lee, MIT Developing 'Web Science' Field

ABC News: Berners-Lee, MIT Developing 'Web Science' Field: "Nov. 2 Thursday morning, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT and the University of Southampton announced The Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI), basically a group designed to set a research agenda for understanding the scientific, technical and social challenges underlying the growth of the Web.
WSRI will be headquartered at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT and at the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) at the University of Southampton. Initial plans call for joint research projects, workshops and student/faculty exchanges between the two institutions. "

Initiative with Tim Berners-Lee's name attached, as well a folks from the W3C. Talk about 'going beyond computer science'...but seems to ignore that much work is already beign done in this area by Information Science discipline. Once again, academics, pundits, journalists, those in the main-stream, all seem to think the only folks who can study, build, research and improve on computer-based technology must be the computer scientists, or software engineers. If you want to get serious about computing, technology and in the information age we live in , try concentrating first and foremost on the USERS!! The LIS field has a pretty damn long history in this area, as well as extensive experience in technology, and in playing nicely with other disciplines. Maybe you should look into it...

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