Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Fave Children's Book

Saw this post from Catalogblog that says there's a 'viral posting' going around (is that like a meme?) in honor of Children's Book Week, to name your fave kids's book. I'm guessing they mean fave from your own childhood, and not one you teach with, or read to kids in a library or school, or to your own kids. But I also guess it could be one of those too...

I'm not sure I can narrow it down to one. Several come to mind. Much more readily right now since about a month or so ago I was out buying favorite kids' books for a friend's baby shower. (everyone was to bring one or two of their favorites to start the family/baby's library-- naturally, having that Lib Sci degree, I didn't stop at one...or two!)'s a quick Fave Five:
Uncle Wiggly-- loved those escapades with him and Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy. This is a suprisingly hard to find book in least in the brick-n-mortar world anyway. Original stories were written in 1920s I think, and re-released in 1970s, and again in the '80s. Some are in collections such as the one in the link, others are found separately.

Richard Scarry-- any...all! Love Huckle Cat, Lowly Worm... "Cars and Trucks and Things that Go", and the one with the story of the "Pie-rats".

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day--because sometimes days are just like that...still.

Amelia Bedelia-- love the puns, the word play. It's silly when you read as a kid, and still cracks me up as an adult, now reading to a new generation of kids.

The Little House series-- american classics. So many kids grew up learning to read with these books, and learning history and not even realizing it.

Well, that was a fun diversion. Everybody, go read a book. Better, go read a book to a child!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the little house series! that and anne of green gables of course.