Friday, January 26, 2007

You get a gold star!

I've actually gotten some good work done the past 24-36 hours and am feeling both surprised and a bit righteous.
Ok...that righteous feeling will go away REALLY quickly, especially if I bother to look that the to-do list of projects I should be working on, submissions I should have ready or going, articles to read, conferences to think about, dissertation proposal pieces to work on, etc etc, ad nauseum.
Well...that about did it right there. Wonderful... I'm my own personal joy-kill, or kill-joy.

I WAS feeling good because of seeing some progress on projects and my work. I'm not going to get into details here since I'm a paranoid idiot...but let's just leave it at 'digital library related' and 'teens and web or digital library related'. Gawd, could I be more vague??!!
The second of those 'mentioned' projects is one I'm doing outside of my work at Metro U, on an area of interest and something a bit tangential to my Diss work. But I'm doing it because it's interesting, will give me something publishable while the Big D work is in progress and winding through the Hell of IRB. [THAT is another topic for another blog post... or a whole bunch of 'em sometime!] And perhaps most importantly, I'm doing it because I get to work with Blue on it. Any chance to reconnect and keep things going with my former advisor, and always mentor, is a big plus in my book. So the project will fly on under the radar.

How long it flies under the radar may be limited as I need to make some progress reports to the Powers that Be soon...and because I kind of want access to some data that's now housed at Metro and connected to my 'work' project.

Ok...I admit. That made sense only to my addled little brain, and even then I'm not 100% sure of that. This may be one of those great posts that made sense to me at the time I wrote it, and if I read it again in 3 months I'll go "huh??" particularly becuase of my cryptic nature. I may fool even myself...

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