My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Sibling Shotgun of Reasoned Discussion.
Well...that's amusing for sure! I'm late on this meme bandwagon. But that's not out of character here at all.
Let's adjourn for coffee shall we?
[those who understand will know...and smirk along with me]
(had heard of the Unitarian Jihad parody some time ago, and forgotten it, until stumbling across this post in a librarian oriented blog on other memes)
while i'm on a meme thing...
here's one I may get to soon...not that anyone has 'tagged' me with it, b/c that would require someone other than me to read this blog and that's just being a bit presumptious now ain't it?! It's one of those "5 Things" memes. And it's a bit similar to this series of posts from a great academic blogger I've followed off and on for a year or so.
And now the end of this post is in now way shape or form related to its beginning...and that's what ya get at nearly 3am.
hey, this is the second time i've followed a link here. i was hesitant to ask before b/c i didn't know if you eschewed blogrolls (since i didn't see one), but do you mind if i link you? i need to surround myself with other students!
Link away my dear! I love reading your work, and sharing in the stresses of being a student. It's a cold, cruel world out here for grown-up academics trying to balance it all. Best to you!
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