Saturday, August 19, 2006

Every Executive Needs a Limit--Slate Magazine

Judge Taylor got it right on wiretapping. By Erwin Chemerinsky - Slate Magazine

Once again I'm "off topic", as the topic of this blog was/is supposed to be about my grad school and PhD travails. Nonetheless, some things are too well written, too important, and too relevant to ignore. I'd like to have a link to this for a while--it's so perfectly on point as to why the current executive branch has no right to the limitless powers it keeps exercising, by definition of the Constitution.
Anyone who thinks we need to do 'whatever it takes' and that the President has the power to do so, needs to read this. Anyone who thinks current security measures don't infringe on our civil liberties, needs to read this. Anyone who thinks 'the ends justify the means', needs to read this.

Too damn bad none of them will.

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