Friday, May 19, 2006

Muted madness

The first rumblings of a personal nature from a severly distracted, over-worked, over-wrought academic wannabe. While I've tried maintaining a blog the past year with more professional leanings, and to attempt to collect my scattered 'thoughts', I've since found better ways (read: cool new tech toys) to organize my digital self.
Well, attempt to in any case...

But an outlet for my personal musings and mumblings, haven't done that. And as I get further into the black hole that is academia and a PhD program, I NEED an outlet. Besides, what's one more distracted PhD to the blogosphere! It's not like this is "new"-- oh gracious no, I haven't done anything original. Damn, I've never caught a trend at the beginning.
That's why I'm in academia now...not the so-called 'trendy' career I once had. Let's face it--I'm a geek.
Yah, like that's a surprise... good grief, my damn blog title is in latin for heaven's sake! (well, that maybe pidgin latin-- cause I know that "cranium" isn't really "brain"... it just sounded better than "cerebellum in absentia"-- cut me some slack)

So let the madness begin, let the winds swirl, and the fog creep back across my brain. Cause it's "in absentia" and I don't know where to find it...

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