Monday, May 22, 2006

Ahh, sleep is overrated

I've always been nocturnal, but grad school is making things a bit crazy and extreme. This is nuts, I'm not even really doing work right now, or for the past few hours, to keep me up this damn late. Doesn't help that DH is outta town, but to be real, I've been staying up this late for a long time now. Not real good for the social life, my awareness level the next day, getting things done during so-called 'normal business hours', or my relationships. But that's probably all fodder for my MIA shrink. oh well

I still should be working on 'real' work, getting something constructice done. Or more than merely printing out the article I should be reading, and notes on stats (yuck!). Hmmmm, how about reading the bloody article??!! aaaaaaaarrrrggghhh. this burn out just keeps progessing.

On a good front though, and probably part of why I'm slacking off so badly, is that I think I finaly found a way to turn the awful Summer Project into something meaningful and workable....and hey, perhaps into something my real research...and Dissertation...could be about. Whoo hoo! Major step.

Now I just have to put it together all nice and pretty like and sell it up the line, across the line, over the line, wherever. Oh dear, something tells me that's gonna be harder than having had the idea in the first place. crud.

And oh joy, Class tomorrow/today will feature the 'substitute' stylings of none other than.....
Fan-bloody-tastic!! I already dread the Class, am getting nothing out of it, and now that material gets the spin from the 'expert' (actually Majesty IS an expert in one area of this application) and I can't sit and coast or veg out or work on something else. Focused attention should be a good thing-- it's what I'm supposed to be doing and all, but this is going to be painful.

No wonder I don't want to go to sleep-- it just brings the next day, and the next set of headaches.
Yes, yes-- the grounded part of my self is quite aware that tomorrow will come, whether I sleep or not, the stresses of the day will be there too-- but I might be able to handle them better if I had a nice 8+ hrs of sleep. So why the hell am I sitting here typing instead of upstairs crashing??!!

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