Tuesday, December 05, 2006


It's that time of year again...nearing the end of a term and my brain is shutting down early. Why is it that my mental faculties never seem to match up to the calendar or last as long as the work of the term? And whatever will I do once out in the 'real world' of academia as a prof...having to teach and keep up for a whole semester??!! aaaaiieeee
Seriously...I do wonder somedays if this just isn't some form of adult ADD or related to what I saw mentioned in another blog about "conference ADD". And just to prove that particular point, while I'm reading the post mentioning that, it has this list of things that happen at conferences-- which I agree with way too much!-- and links to several other academic bloggers I wasn't familiar with. So off we go on a tangent... thanks so much to my pitiful attention span!
This one also has a post on things that can go 'wrong' or 'bad' at a conference. And that led to a post on academic job searches, and then another (gee, someone feels more down on themselves then I think I have been in quite some time...and if I actually read all of these posts right now I'd seriously be depressed!)-- interesting note in the post about a "dissertation seminar" and help with job searching. Gee, what's that?? Something Metro isn't going to be offering I'll bet.

I'm in one of 'those' moods re: Metro. Probably because LooseGoose (and I'm assuming Majesty) want us to fill out some form describing our impressions of our first year or so of the program, did it meet our expectations, and what we want them to do for us next. Now you're saying 'why the complaining, see how interested they are, how much they care for their students, what's the bitching about?!' Well...it's never that simple, or as clear as it looks on the surface. Academic politics are much more complicated. And this form is all about politics I think. Reports are due to our funding agency and they need to look good to them. Talk up how they're going to help us, support we'll get, and make it all look so slick and good.
sigh...I'm such a cynic.

All part of endofterm-itis...

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